Tesla App for Mac

One of the great things about owning a Tesla is the fact that it in essence is a computer on wheels. With an API in place, this means that I can pull information from the car, just like the app does on your smartphone. It took me less than a day after taking delivery of my car before I had made my first scripts using the API, and now my OS X app project is starting to take shape.

The screenshot below shows what I am going for here. The idea is to have a status bar app that always shows the battery status combined with an indicator of whether it’s charging or not. Once you click on this icon, you get full access to information about your car.

Currently the app is nearing a public beta, and if you are interested in trying it out or have any suggestions; contact me via email ([email protected]) or on twitter. The app will slowly roll out to the public in the time to come.

For those looking to buy a new Tesla, please consider using my referral code for $1,000 in credit at the purchase of a new Model S or X.


I'm a webdeveloper based in Oslo, Norway. I currently work with web development at Nettmaker.

I would like to change the world, but they won't give me the source…

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